Translation, exhibition catalogue. Museum Ulm often has lavishly decked-out publications to accompany their exhibitions. This is one I was allowed to do translations for.

Cover of the exhibition catalogue "Warum Kunst?". White typography on a black and white drawing on an eye, close-up, looking left.

Published by: museum ulm & kunsthalle weishaupt, 2018
Text: Prof. Tilman Allert, Laura Bösl, Prof. Karin Dannecker, Dr. Stefanie Dathe, Dr. Gerald Jasbar, Pia Jerger, Luisa Krauss, Hanspeter Kunz, Dr. Eva Leistenschneider, Dr. Bettina Ruhrberg, Dr. Wolfgang Ullrich, Kurt Wehrberger.
Design: Eva Hocke, MüllerHocke