A collection catalog, presenting 162 vintage science-fiction books with covers designed by German illustrator Eyke Volkmer.
Details: 116 p., hardcover, dust jacket, 162 photos, interview (in German, English & Spanish)
Price: 58,18 USD (+ tax & shipment)
Available here.
This tri-lingual collection catalog presents 162 science-fiction books of the series “Goldmanns Weltraum Taschenbücher” (’60ies & ’70ies), with covers designed by German illustrator Eyke Volkmer. It documents a very unique period in German science-fiction illustration that was almost forgotten.
Included are a long interview conducted with the illustrator in his former studio in Munich and a a full bibliography. All text is printed in English, German and Spanish.
All covers are presented through photos taken of the actual books with all their wear and tear to document my collection. The covers in this catalog are pictured in less than the original size.
Here is the blurb.com preview widget thingy:
Here is a video of me flipping through the pages of the real book:
Additional language files will be available for free.
All possible copyright holders have been informed.
The artwork is reproduced with kind permission by the artist.
This collection catalog is dedicated to Eyke Volkmer and Wilhelm Goldmann.
Thanks to:
Paolo Greco for the spanish translation.
Henk Tack for the dutch version (available for free as pdf).
Stefan Werner for helping me with the recording of the interview.